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Saturday 16 February 2013

English Learning Online: Vocabulary: Word of The Day 16 February 2013

English Learning Online: Vocabulary: Word of The Day 16 February 2013

For this post, in Vocabulary section, I would like to continue sharing with you latest words of the day as following...

lagan \LAG-uhn\, noun:

Anything sunk in the sea, but attached to a buoy or the like so that it may be recovered.

axial \AK-see-uhl\, adjective:

1. Situated in or on the line about which a rotating body turns.
2. Of, pertaining to, characterized by, or forming an axis: an axial relationship.

buttress \BUH-tris\, verb:

1. To give encouragement or support to (a person, plan, etc.).
2. To support by a buttress; prop up.

1. Any external prop or support built to steady a structure by opposing its outward thrusts, especially a projecting support built into or against the outside of a masonry wall.
2. Any prop or support.
3. A thing shaped like a buttress, as a tree trunk with a widening base.
4. A bony or horny protuberance, especially on a horse's hoof.

whinge \hwinj\, verb:

To complain; whine.

echolalia \ek-oh-LEY-lee-uh\, noun:

1. The imitation by a baby of the vocal sounds produced by others, occurring as a natural phase of childhood development.
2. Psychiatry. The uncontrollable and immediate repetition of words spoken by another person.

counterblast \koun-ter-blast\, noun:

An unrestrained and vigorously powerful response to an attacking statement.

decathect \dee-kuh-THEKT\, verb:

To withdraw one's feelings of attachment from (a person, idea, or object), as in anticipation of a future loss: He decathected from her in order to cope with her impending death.

algid \AL-jid\, adjective:

Cold; chilly.

douce \doos\, adjective:

Sedate; modest; quiet.

glissade \gli-SAHD\, verb:

1. To perform a glissade, a sliding or gliding step.

1. A skillful glide over snow or ice in descending a mountain, as on skis or a toboggan.
2. Dance. A sliding or gliding step.

tidings \TAHY-dingz\, noun:

News, information, or intelligence: sad tidings.

avidity \uh-VID-i-tee\, noun:

1. Enthusiasm or dedication.
2. Eagerness; greediness.

antepenultimate \an-tee-pi-NUHL-tuh-mit\, adjective:

1. Third from the end.
2. Of or pertaining to an antepenult.

1. An antepenult.

stridulous \STRIJ-uh-luhs\, adjective:

1. Also, strid·u·lant. Making or having a harsh or grating sound.
2. Pathology. Pertaining to or characterized by stridor.

anthropogenic \an-thruh-puh-JEN-ik\, adjective:

Caused or produced by humans: anthropogenic air pollution.

fastigiate \fa-STIJ-ee-it\, adjective:

1. Rising to a pointed top.
2. Zoology. Joined together in a tapering adhering group.
3. Botany. A. Erect and parallel, as branches. B. Having such branches.

compotation \kom-puh-TEY-shuhn\, noun:

An act or instance of drinking or tippling together.

exordium \ig-ZAWR-dee-uhm\, noun:

1. The beginning of anything.
2. The introductory part of an oration, treatise, etc.

advert \ad-VURT\, verb:

1. To remark or comment; refer (usually followed by to): He adverted briefly to the news of the day.
2. To turn the attention (usually followed by to): The committee adverted to the business at hand.

violescent \vahy-uh-LES-uhnt\, adjective:

Tending to a violet color: a violescent twilight sky.

couthie \KOO-thee\, adjective:

Agreeable; genial; kindly.

aumildar \aw-mil-DAHR\, noun:

1. A manager or agent.
2. A collector of revenue.

birl \burl\, verb:

1. To spin or cause to rotate.
2. Chiefly Northern U.S. Lumbering. To cause (a floating log) to rotate rapidly by treading upon it.
3. British. A. To move or rotate rapidly. B. Informal. To spend money freely. C. Informal. To gamble.

1. British Informal. An attempt; a gamble.

pseudonymous \soo-DON-uh-muhs\, adjective:

1. Bearing a false or fictitious name.
2. Writing or written under a fictitious name.

pseudomorph \SOO-duh-mawrf\, noun:

1. An irregular or unclassifiable form.
2. A mineral having the outward appearance of another mineral that it has replaced by chemical action.

pseudology \soo-DOL-uh-jee\, noun:

Lying considered as an art.

pseudoclassic \soo-doh-KLAS-ik\, adjective:

1. Falsely or spuriously classic.
2. Imitating the classic: the pseudoclassic style of some modern authors.

pseudepigraphy \soo-duh-PIG-ruh-fee\, noun:

The false ascription of a piece of writing to an author.

filch \filch\, verb:

To steal (especially something of small value); pilfer: to filch ashtrays from fancy restaurants.

eurhythmic \yoo-RITH-mik\, adjective:

1. Characterized by a pleasing rhythm; harmoniously ordered or proportioned.
2. Of or pertaining to eurhythmics.

also-ran \AWL-soh-ran\, noun:

1. Informal. A person who loses a contest, election, or other competition.
2. Sports. A. (In a race) a contestant who fails to win or to place among the first three finishers. B. An athlete or team whose performance in competition is rarely, if ever, a winning or near-winning one.
3. Informal. A person who attains little or no success: For every great artist there are a thousand also-rans.

vertex \VUR-teks\, noun:

1. The highest point of something; apex; summit; top: the vertex of a mountain.
2. Anatomy, Zoology. The crown or top of the head.
3. Craniometry. The highest point on the midsagittal plane of the skull or head viewed from the left side when the skull or head is in the Frankfurt horizontal.
4. Astronomy. A point in the celestial sphere toward which or from which the common motion of a group of stars is directed.
5. Geometry. A. The point farthest from the base: the vertex of a cone or of a pyramid. B. A point in a geometrical solid common to three or more sides. C. The intersection of two sides of a plane figure.

preconcert \pree-kuhn-SURT\, verb:

1. To arrange in advance or beforehand, as by a previous agreement.

1. Preceding a concert: a preconcert reception for sponsors.

hypnopompic \hip-nuh-POM-pik\, adjective:

Of or pertaining to the semiconscious state prior to complete wakefulness.

Camelot \KAM-uh-lot\, noun:

1. Any idyllic place or period, especially one of great happiness.
2. The legendary site of King Arthur's palace and court, possibly near Exeter, England.
3. The glamorous ambience of Washington, D.C., during the administration of President John F. Kennedy, 1961–63.

shindy \SHIN-dee\, noun:

1. A row; rumpus.
2. A shindig.

jubilarian \joo-buh-LAIR-ee-uhn\, noun:

A person who celebrates or has celebrated a jubilee, as a nun observing 25 or more years of religious life.

allocution \al-uh-KYOO-shuhn\, noun:

1. A formal speech, especially one of an incontrovertible or hortatory nature.
2. A pronouncement delivered by the pope to a secret consistory, especially on a matter of policy or of general importance.

gorgonize \GAWR-guh-nahyz\, verb:

To affect as a Gorgon; hypnotize; petrify.

en règle \ahn RE-gluh\, adjective:

In order; according to the rules; correct.

kibitzer \KIB-it-ser\, noun:

1. A giver of uninvited or unwanted advice.
2. A spectator at a card game who looks at the players' cards over their shoulders, especially one who gives unsolicited advice.
3. A person who jokes, chitchats, or makes wisecracks, especially while others are trying to work or to discuss something seriously.

brabble \BRAB-uhl\, verb:

1. To argue stubbornly about trifles; wrangle.

1. Noisy, quarrelsome chatter.

antipathetic \an-ti-puh-THET-ik\, adjective:

1. Opposed, averse, or contrary; having or showing antipathy: They were antipathetic to many of the proposed changes .
2. Causing or likely to cause antipathy: The new management was antipathetic to all of us.

intemerate \in-TEM-er-it\, adjective:

Inviolate; undefiled; unsullied; pure.

word-hoard \WURD-hawrd\, noun:

A person's vocabulary.

wellaway \WEL-uh-WEY\, interjection:

(Used to express sorrow.)

plotz \plots\, verb:

To collapse or faint, as from surprise, excitement, or exhaustion.

jackanapes \JAK-uh-neyps\, noun:

1. An impertinent, presumptuous person, especially a young man; whippersnapper.
2. An impudent, mischievous child.
3. Archaic. An ape or monkey.

atavistic \at-uh-VIS-tik\, adjective:

of, pertaining to, or characterized by atavism; reverting to or suggesting the characteristics of a remote ancestor or primitive type.

boustrophedon \boo-struh-FEED-n\, noun:

an ancient method of writing in which the lines run alternately from right to left and from left to right.

counterfactual \koun-ter-FAK-choo-uhl\, noun:

a conditional statement the first clause of which expresses something contrary to fact, as “If I had known.”

dyslogistic \dis-luh-JIS-tik\, adjective:

conveying disapproval or censure; not complimentary or eulogistic.

epexegesis \ep-ek-si-JEE-sis\, noun:

1. the addition of a word or words to explain a preceding word or sentence.
2. the word or words so added.

feuilleton \FOI-i-tn\, noun:

1. a part of a European newspaper devoted to light literature, fiction, criticism, etc.
2. an item printed in the feuilleton.

gastronomy \ga-STRON-uh-mee\, noun:

1. the art or science of good eating.
2. a style of cooking or eating.

hent \hent\, verb:

to seize.

irrefrangible \ir-i-FRAN-juh-buhl\, adjective:

1. not to be broken or violated; inviolable: an irrefrangible rule of etiquette.
2. incapable of being refracted.

Jacobin \JAK-uh-bin\, noun:

1. an extreme radical, especially in politics.
2. (in the French Revolution) a member of a radical society or club of revolutionaries that promoted the Reign of Terror and other extreme measures, active chiefly from 1789 to 1794: so called from the Dominican convent in Paris, where they originally met.
3. a Dominican friar.
4. (lowercase) one of a fancy breed of domestic pigeons having neck feathers that hang over the head like a hood.

kinchin \kin-chin\, noun:

a child.

lollapalooza \lol-uh-puh-LOO-zuh\, noun:

an extraordinary or unusual thing, person, or event; an exceptional example or instance.

mainour \MEY-ner\, noun:

a stolen article found on the person of or near the thief: to be taken with the mainour.

nuque \nook\, noun:

the back of the neck.

obnubilate \ob-NOO-buh-leyt\, verb:

to cloud over; becloud; obscure.

For Example:

- buttress (v):

1. To give encouragement or support to (a person, plan, etc.).
2. To support by a buttress; prop up.

Eg: I don't want to buttress my boss, because he's not a good one.

whinge \hwinj\, verb:

To complain; whine.

Eg: My son always whinges when he's hungry.

Saturday 15 December 2012

English Learning Online: Vocabulary: Word of The Day 16 December 2012

English Learning Online: Vocabulary: Word of The Day 16 December 2012

For this post, in Vocabulary section, I would like to continue sharing with you latest words of the day as following...

glean \GLEEN\, verb:

1. To learn, discover, or find out, usually little by little or slowly.
2. To gather (grain or the like) after the reapers or regular gatherers.
3. To gather slowly and laboriously, bit by bit.

franchise \FRAN-chahyz\, noun:

1. The right to vote.
2. A privilege of a public nature conferred on an individual,group, or company by a government.

quid \KWID\, noun:

1. A piece of something to be chewed but not swallowed.
2. One pound sterling.

cahoots \kuh-HOOT\, noun:

In partnership; in league.

nictitate \NIK-ti-teyt\, verb:

To wink.

disbosom \dis-BOOZ-uhm\, verb:

To reveal; confess.

armistice \AHR-muh-stis\, noun:

A temporary suspension of hostilities by agreement of the warring parties.

troth \TRAWTH\, noun:

1. Faithfulness, fidelity, or loyalty.
2. One's word or promise, especially in engaging oneself to marry.

pigeonhole \PIJ-uhn-hohl\, verb:

1. To lay aside for use or reference at some later, indefinite time.

1. One of a series of small, open compartments, as in a desk,cabinet, or the like, used for filing or sorting papers, letters,etc.
2. In printing, white space created by setting words or lines too far apart.

dovetail \DUHV-teyl\, verb:

1. To join or fit together compactly or harmoniously.
2. In carpentry, a joint formed of one or more such tenons fitting tightlywithin corresponding mortises.
3. To join or fit together by means of a carpentry dovetail or dovetails.

1. In carpentry, a tenon broader at its end than at its base; pin.

ogle \OH-guhl\, verb:

1. To look at amorously, flirtatiously, or impertinently.
2. To eye; look or stare at.

terpsichorean \turp-si-kuh-REE-uhn\, adjective:

1. Pertaining to dancing.

1. A dancer.

dog-ear \DAWG-eer\, verb:

1. To fold down the corner of a page in a book.

1. (In a book) a corner of a page folded over like a dog's ear, as by careless use, or to mark a place.
2. In architecture, another term for a crossette.

bird-dog \BURD-dawg\, verb:

1. To follow, watch carefully, or investigate.
2. In slang, to steal or attempt to steal another person's date.

1. One of various breeds of dogs trained to hunt or retrieve birds.
2. A person hired to locate special items or people, especially a talent scout who seeks out promising athletes.

fob \FOB\, noun:

1. A short chain, usually with a medallion or similar ornament, worn hanging from a pocket.
2. A small pocket just below the waistline in trousers for a watch, keys, change, etc.

1. To cheat someone by substituting something spurious or inferior.
2. To put (someone) off by deception or trickery.

giblets \JIB-lits\, noun:

The heart, liver, gizzard, and the like, of a fowl, often cooked separately.

balsamaceous \bawl-suh-MEY-shuhs\, adjective:

Possessing healing or restorative qualities.

agape \ah-GAH-pey\, noun:

1. Unselfish love of one person for another without sexual implications.
2. The love of Christians for other persons, corresponding to the love of God for humankind.

potvaliancy \POT-val-yuhn-see\, noun:

Brave only as a result of being drunk.

amygdaliform \uh-MIG-duh-luh-fawrm\, adjective:

Shaped like an almond.

fainaigue \fuh-NEYG\, verb:

1. To shirk; evade work or responsibility.
2. To renege at cards.

rime \RAHYM\, noun:

A coating of tiny, white, granular ice particles, caused by the rapid freezing of water droplets.

biblioklept \BIB-lee-uh-klept\, noun:

A person who steals books.

svelte \SFELT\, adjective:

1. Slender, especially gracefully slender in figure.
2. Suave; blandly urbane.

trundle \TRUHN-dl\, verb:

To move or walk with a rolling gait.

empurple \em-PUR-puhl\, verb:

1. To color or become purple or purplish.
2. To darken or redden; flush.

effervescent \ef-er-VES-uhnt\, adjective:

1. High-spirited; vivacious; lively.
2. Effervescing; bubbling.

alexipharmic \uh-lek-suh-FAHR-mik\, adjective:

1. Warding off poisoning or infection; antidotal; prophylactic.
2. An alexipharmic agent, especially an internal antidote.

pontificate \pon-TIF-i-keyt\, verb:

1. To speak in a pompous or dogmatic manner.
2. To perform the office or duties of a pontiff.
3. To serve as a bishop, especially in a Pontifical Mass.

1. The office or term of office of a pontiff.

erinaceous \er-uh-NEY-shuhs\, adjective:

Of the hedgehog kind or family.

quench \kwench\, verb:

1. To slake, satisfy, or allay (thirst, desires, passion, etc.).
2. To put out or extinguish (fire, flames, etc.).
3. To cool suddenly by plunging into a liquid, as in tempering steel by immersion in water.
4. To subdue or destroy; overcome; quell: to quench an uprising.
5. Electronics. To terminate (the flow of electrons in a vacuum tube) by application of a voltage.

anopisthograph \an-uh-PIS-thuh-graf\, noun:

Manuscript, parchment, or book having writing on only one side of the leaves.

mulligrubs \MUHL-i-gruhbz\, noun:

Ill temper; colic; grumpiness.

moor \moor\, verb:

1. To fix firmly; secure.
2. To secure (a ship, boat, dirigible, etc.) in a particular place, as by cables and anchors or by lines.
3. To moor a ship, small boat, etc.
4. To be made secure by cables or the like.

1. The act of mooring.

apopemptic \ap-uh-PEMP-tik\, adjective:

1. Pertaining to leave-taking or departing; valedictory.

1. Obsolete. A farewell address; valedictory.

plication \plahy-KEY-shuhn\, noun:

1. The act or procedure of folding.
2. The state or quality of being folded; a fold.
3. Surgery. A. The folding in and suturing of tucks, so as to tighten weakened or stretched tissue. B. The folding of an organ, as a section of the intestine, and the attaching of it to another organ or tissue.

adiaphorous \ad-ee-AF-er-uhs\, adjective:

Doing neither good nor harm, as a medicine.

cruciverbalist \kroo-suh-VUR-buh-list\, noun:

A designer or aficionado of crossword puzzles.

For Example:

- Glean (v): 1. To learn, discover, or find out, usually little by little or slowly.

Eg: I like to glean after join today seminar.

- Troth \TRAWTH\, noun: 1. Faithfulness, fidelity, or loyalty.

Eg: Husband and wife, both must have troth in their life after marriage.

Wednesday 21 November 2012

English Learning Online: VOA Learning English: Learning Teamwork in a Kids Band

English Learning Online: VOA Learning English: Learning Teamwork in a Kids Band

Bach to Rock is a music school in the Washington, DC area. It operates a summer day camp in Bethesda, Maryland. Some campers are playing drums and bass. Others play guitar. And others are busy creating music. This group is recording its song "Alcatraz." Brian Gross is the head of Bach to Rock. BRIAN GROSS: "The majority of the students here have never played an instrument before. And in their one-week stay with us, they will have learned, recorded, and performed two songs by week's end." Carly Glazier says her son Grant learns about a lot more than music at the camp. CARLY GLAZIER: "Biggest thing is he's learning how to work together as a team, because when he's taking lessons during the year without a band, he's only learning between he and his teacher, and he's not performing with other counterparts and learning how to put it all together, which I think is a really, really important value that you just can't get in a regular, one-on-one lesson." Lisa London is the mother of camper Ben London. LISA LONDON: "It's almost like a team sport. You get all the benefits of a team sport from being in a band." Brian Gross says Bach to Rock is growing. BRIAN GROSS: "Eventually I actually see this as an international concept. The wonderful thing about music is it's not language-restrictive, so we can teach music in China just as easily as we can teach it here in Bethesda." I'm Shirley Griffith. By: VOA English Learning

VOA Learning English: Learning Teamwork in a Kids Band:

Please check with the video below:

Video of English Learning Online: VOA Learning English: Learning Teamwork in a Kids Band

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English Learning Online Videos

English Learning Online: The 100 Most Common Words in English

English Learning Online: The 100 Most Common Words in English

From your first beginning time of learning English, have you ever counted the most common words in English?

Well, first of all, we should know that what is the most common English words?

I think that the most common words are the words which we always use or talk it every day, the words that is very very simple words.

OK, now let me help to count out the most common English words, can I count until 100 words? Let check with me below...

My Most Common 100 Words in English:

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty,................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................one hundred.

I am right for the 100 common words???

For instance, let check video below to know about the 100 most common words in English.

The 100 Most Common Words in English:

Please check with the video below:

Video of English Learning Online: The 100 Most Common Words in English

Thanks for the video...

English Learning Online:

English Learning Online Videos

English Learning Online: The Best Way to Learn English

English Learning Online: The Best Way to Learn English

First time joining English class, most people thinks that it's very difficult to learn English. Lots of English learners, even me, every day, I've have been trying to find the best way or the great way to learn English.

For my point of views, the best way to learn English is that:

- Learning Grammar is the key

- Learning Vocabulary, new words everyday, at least 5 new words a day

- Practice with 4 basic skills including Writing, Reading, Speaking, Listening

That's the best way for me to learn English.

For instance, let check video below to know some more ways to learn English as in the videos three men or English teachers or instructors are talking about the best way to learn English.

Three Men Talking about the best way to learn English:

Please check with the video below:

Video of English Learning Online: The Best Way to Learn English

Thanks for the videos...

English Learning Online:

English Learning Online Videos

Monday 5 November 2012

English Learning Online: Learning English Funny Cartoon

English Learning Online: Learning English Funny Cartoon

Learning English with funny cartoon is very great way to have a fast English learning, especially with kids, they love cartoon, the cartoon expresses English words, they like watching cartoon, the cartoon with English words, 80% they will also remember the word with the cartoon.

In the video below, you will see a nice funny but great video for kids or English learners to watch, English with Japanese cartoon...So nice...

Video of Learning English Funny Cartoon

Thanks for the videos...

Learning English Funny Cartoon

English Learning Online Videos

English Learning Online: VOA Learning English: English Education Report: Using Art to Make Summer School More Interesting

Using Art to Make Summer School More Interesting

June, July and August are vacation months for most American schoolchildren. But some students pay a high price for that long summer break. They may forget much of what they learned over the past year by the time they start the next grade. This problem is often called the summer learning gap. Growing efforts across the country aim to deal with this gap by offering more interesting summer school programs. Some students already attend summer school. But that is often because they received bad grades during the regular school year. At Bushman Elementary in Dallas recently, students read out loud about communities in a third-grade social studies class. But the nine- and 10-year-olds were also studying art. Visual arts instructor Ron Oliver works to combine the two subjects. "The kids that never get it," he says, "like the 30 percent that always struggle on testing--they thrive in this kind of atmosphere." Ron Oliver says some kids just learn differently. In addition to reading, the students expressed themselves in picture form by drawing community scenes. One boy told us he was expressing his feeling through drawing. "You only use the pictures," added one girl. She said pictures can tell the words for you. "You don't need words," She said. Their teacher is Gloria Pegram. She has taught elementary school for 15 years. She says art helps with memory. Gloria Pegram says teachers even try to be creative with math. She says teachers try to use a hands-on activity whenever possible to help students remember better. Gloria Pegram says students who do not take summer enrichment classes often need to relearn lessons when they return in the fall. This is especially true of low-income students. They are less likely, for example, to live near public libraries offering books to read and special summer reading programs. Ed Pauly is director of research and evaluation at the Wallace Foundation. The nonprofit group has invested $50 million to study which programs work best to prevent summer learning loss. Ed Pauly says poor kids can lose as much as three months of learning over the summer. He says one promising method has been to include art in summer programs. Ed Pauly told us teaching through the arts gets kids excited about being in school every day. And the arts use reading and math. So they are a great way to tie together learning experiences. For VOA Learning English, I'm Laurel Bowman. (Adapted from a radio program broadcast 30Aug2012)

This is the VOA Special English Education Report, from http://voaspecialenglish.com | http://facebook.com/voalearningenglish

Watch Video: Using Art to Make Summer School More Interesting:

VOA Special English Education Report: Using Art to Make Summer School More Interesting

English Learning Online Videos

English Learning Online: Vocabulary: Word of The Day 6 November 2012

English Learning Online: Vocabulary: Word of The Day 6 November 2012

For this post, in Vocabulary section, I would like to continue sharing with you latest words of the day as following...

hew \hyoo\, verb:

1. To uphold, follow closely, or conform (usually followed by to): to hew to the tenets of one's political party.
2. To strike with cutting blows; cut: He hewed more vigorously each time.
3. To strike forcibly with an ax, sword, or other cutting instrument; chop; hack.
4. To make, shape, smooth, etc., with cutting blows: to hew a passage through the crowd; to hew a statue from marble.

guff \guhff\, noun:

1. Empty or foolish talk; nonsense.
2. Insolent talk.

orectic \aw-REK-tik\, adjective:

Of or pertaining to desire; appetitive.

vicinage \VIS-uh-nij\, noun:

1. The region near or about a place; vicinity.
2. A particular neighborhood or district, or the people belonging to it.
3. Proximity.

pillory \PIL-uh-ree\, verb:

1. To expose to public derision, ridicule, or abuse.
2. To set in the pillory.

natty \NAT-ee\, adjective:

Neatly or trimly smart in dress or appearance; spruce: a natty white uniform.

pelagic \puh-LAJ-ik\, adjective:

1. Of or pertaining to the open seas or oceans.
2. Living or growing at or near the surface of the ocean, far from land, as certain organisms.

fallow \FAL-oh\, adjective:

1. Not in use; inactive: My creative energies have lain fallow this year.
2. (Of land) plowed and left unseeded for a season or more; uncultivated.

1. Land that has undergone plowing and harrowing and has been left unseeded for one or more growing seasons.

1. To make (land) fallow for agricultural purposes.

aseptic \uh-SEP-tik\, adjective:

1. Free from the living germs of disease, fermentation, or putrefaction.

1. A product, as milk or fruit juice, that is marketed in an aseptic package or container.
2. Aseptics, (used with a singular verb) a system of packaging sterilized products in airtight containers so that freshness is preserved for several months.

concatenate \kon-KAT-n-eyt\, verb:

1. To link together; unite in a series or chain.

1. Linked together, as in a chain.

belletristic \bel-li-TRIS-tik\, adjective:

Related to literature regarded as a fine art, especially as having a purely aesthetic function.

1. A wasting away.
2. Pulmonary tuberculosis; consumption.

nomothetic \nom-uh-THET-ik\, adjective:

1. Giving or establishing laws; legislative.
2. Founded upon or derived from law.
3. Psychology. Pertaining to or involving the study or formulation of general or universal laws (opposed to idiographic).

lodestar \LOHD-stahr\, noun:

1. Something that serves as a guide or on which the attention is fixed.
2. A star that shows the way.
3. Polaris.

simper \SIM-per\, verb:

1. To smile in a silly, self-conscious way.
2. To say with a simper.

1. A silly, self-conscious smile.

velleity \vuh-LEE-i-tee\, noun:

1. Volition in its weakest form.
2. A mere wish, unaccompanied by an effort to obtain it.

hieratic \hahy-uh-RAT-ik\, adjective:

1. Highly restrained or severe in emotional import: Some of the more hieratic sculptures leave the viewer curiously unmoved.
2. Also, hi·er·at·i·cal. of or pertaining to priests or the priesthood; sacerdotal; priestly.
3. Noting or pertaining to a form of ancient Egyptian writing consisting of abridged forms of hieroglyphics, used by the priests in their records.
4. Noting or pertaining to certain styles in art in which the representations or methods are fixed by or as if by religious tradition.

1. Ancient Egyptian hieratic writing.

concertina \kon-ser-TEE-nuh\, verb:

1. To fold, crush together, or collapse in the manner of a concertina: The car concertinaed when it hit the truck.
2. To cause to fold or collapse in the manner of a concertina.

1. A musical instrument resembling an accordion but having buttonlike keys, hexagonal bellows and ends, and a more limited range.
2. Concertina wire.

bole \bohl\, noun:

the stem or trunk of a tree.

antic \an-tik\, adjective:

1. Ludicrous; funny.
2. Fantastic; odd; grotesque: an antic disposition.

1. Usually, antics. A. A playful trick or prank; caper. B. A grotesque, fantastic, or ludicrous gesture, act, or posture.
2. Archaic. A. An actor in a grotesque or ridiculous presentation. B. A buffoon; clown.
3. Obsolete. A. A grotesque theatrical presentation; ridiculous interlude. B. A grotesque or fantastic sculptured figure, as a gargoyle.

fabulist \FAB-yuh-list\, noun:

1. A liar.
2. A person who invents or relates fables.

compère \KOM-pair\, noun:

1. A host, master of ceremonies, or the like, especially of a stage revue or television program.

1. To act as compère for: to compère the new game show.

bathetic \buh-THET-ik\, adjective:

Displaying or characterized by insincere emotions: the bathetic emotionalism of soap operas.

truncate \TRUHNG-keyt\, verb:

1. To shorten by cutting off a part; cut short: Truncate detailed explanations.
2. Mathematics, Computers. To shorten (a number) by dropping a digit or digits: The numbers 1.4142 and 1.4987 can both be truncated to 1.4.

1. Truncated.
2. Biology. A. Square or broad at the end, as if cut off transversely. B. Lacking the apex, as certain spiral shells.

crucible \KROO-suh-buhl\, noun:

1. A severe, searching test or trial.
2. A container of metal or refractory material employed for heating substances to high temperatures.
3. Metallurgy. A hollow area at the bottom of a furnace in which the metal collects.

gull \guhl\, verb:

1. To deceive, trick, or cheat.

1. A person who is easily deceived or cheated; dupe.

demulcent \dih-MUHL-suhnt\, adjective:

1. Soothing or mollifying, as a medicinal substance.

1. A demulcent substance or agent, often mucilaginous, as for soothing or protecting an irritated mucous membrane.

vigorish \VIG-er-ish\, noun:

1. Interest paid to a moneylender, especially a usurer.
2. A charge paid on a bet, as to a bookie.

ramose \REY-mohs\, adjective:

1. Having many branches.
2. Branching.

ataraxia \at-uh-RAK-see-uh\, noun:

A state of freedom from emotional disturbance and anxiety; tranquility.

cacology \ka-KOL-uh-jee\, noun:

Defectively produced speech; socially unacceptable diction.

piceous \PIS-ee-uhs\, adjective:

1. Inflammable; combustible.
2. Of, pertaining to, or resembling pitch.
3. Zoology. Black or nearly black as pitch.

rollick \ROL-ik\, verb:

To move or act in a carefree, frolicsome manner; behave in a free, hearty, gay, or jovial way.

spleenful \SPLEEN-fuhl\, adjective:

1. Ill-humored; irritable or peevish; spiteful; splenetic.
2. Full of or displaying spleen.

manifold \MAN-uh-fohld\, adjective:

1. Of many kinds; numerous and varied: manifold duties.
2. Having numerous different parts, elements, features, forms, etc.: a manifold program for social reform.

1. Something having many different parts or features.
2. A copy or facsimile, as of something written, such as is made by manifolding

1. To make copies of, as with carbon paper.

primrose \PRIM-rohz\, noun:

1. Pale yellow.
2. Any plant of the genus Primula, as P. vulgaris (English primrose), of Europe, having yellow flowers, or P. sinensis (Chinese primrose), of China, having flowers in a variety of colors. Compare primrose family.
3. Evening primrose.

celadon \SEL-uh-don\, noun:

1. A pale gray-green.
2. Any of several Chinese porcelains having a translucent, pale green glaze.
3. Any porcelain imitating these.

1. Having the color celadon.

heliotrope \HEE-lee-uh-trohp\, noun:

1. A light tint of purple; reddish lavender.
2. Any hairy plant belonging to the genus Heliotropium, of the borage family, as H. arborescens, cultivated for its small, fragrant purple flowers.
3. Any of various other plants, as the valerian or the winter heliotrope.
4. Any plant that turns toward the sun.
5. Surveying. An arrangement of mirrors for reflecting sunlight from a distant point to an observation station.
6. Bloodstone.

ecru \EK-roo\, adjective:

1. Very light brown in color, as raw silk, unbleached linen, etc.

1. An ecru color.

quail \kweyl\, verb:

To lose heart or courage in difficulty or danger; shrink with fear.

coetaneous \koh-i-TEY-nee-uhs\, adjective:

Of the same age or duration.

Tartuffery \tahr-TOOF-uh-ree\, noun:

Behavior or character of a Tartuffe, especially hypocritical piety.

diapason \dahy-uh-PEY-zuhn\, noun:

1. A full, rich outpouring of melodious sound.
2. The compass of a voice or instrument.
3. A fixed standard of pitch.
4. Either of two principal timbres or stops of a pipe organ, one of full, majestic tone (open diapason) and the other of strong, flutelike tone (stopped diapason).
5. Any of several other organ stops.
6. A tuning fork.

bollix \BOL-iks\, verb:

1. To do (something) badly; bungle (often followed by up): His interference bollixed up the whole deal.

1. A confused bungle.

hustings \HUHS-tingz\, noun:

1. The political campaign trail.
2. (Before 1872) the temporary platform on which candidates for the British Parliament stood when nominated and from which they addressed the electors.
3. Any place from which political campaign speeches are made.
4. Also called hustings court. A local court in certain parts of Virginia.

strepitous \STREP-i-tuhs\, adjective:

boisterous; noisy.

pharisaic \far-uh-SEY-ik\, adjective:

1. Practicing or advocating strict observance of external forms and ceremonies of religion or conduct without regard to the spirit; self-righteous; hypocritical.
2. Of or pertaining to the Pharisees.

hematic \hi-MAT-ik\, adjective:

1. Of or pertaining to blood; hemic.
2. Acting on the blood, as a medicine.

1. Hematinic.

sententious \sen-TEN-shuhs\, adjective:

1. Abounding in pithy aphorisms or maxims: a sententious book.
2. Given to excessive moralizing; self-righteous.
3. Given to or using pithy sayings or maxims: a sententious poet.
4. Of the nature of a maxim; pithy.

privity \PRIV-i-tee\, noun:

1. Participation in the knowledge of something private or secret, especially as implying concurrence or consent.
2. Private or secret knowledge.
3. Law. The relation between privies.
4. Obsolete. Privacy.

austral \AW-struhl\, adjective:

1. Southern.
2. (Initial capital letter) Australian.

palter \PAWL-ter\, verb:

1. To talk or act insincerely or deceitfully; lie or use trickery.
2. To bargain with; haggle.
3. To act carelessly; trifle.

fiducial \fi-DOO-shuhl\, adjective:

1. Based on or having trust: fiducial dependence upon God.
2. Accepted as a fixed basis of reference or comparison: a fiducial point; a fiducial temperature.

catholicon \kuh-THOL-i-kuhn\, noun:

A universal remedy; panacea.

utile \YOO-til\, adjective:


thetic \THET-ik\, adjective:

Positive; dogmatic.

hamartia \hah-mahr-TEE-uh\, noun:

Tragic flaw.

agita \AJ-i-tuh\, noun:

1. Agitation; anxiety.
2. Heartburn; indigestion.

true \troo\, verb:

1. To make true; shape, adjust, place, etc., exactly or accurately: to true the wheels of a bicycle after striking a pothole.
2. (Especially in carpentry) to make even, symmetrical, level, etc. (often followed by up): to true up the sides of a door.

hirtellous \hur-TEL-uhs\, verb:

Minutely hirsute.

tardigrade \TAHR-di-greyd\, adjective:

1. Slow in pace or movement.
2. Belonging or pertaining to the phylum Tardigrada.

1. Also called bear animalcule, water bear. Any microscopic, chiefly herbivorous invertebrate of the phylum Tardigrada, living in water, on mosses, lichens, etc.

apophasis \uh-POF-uh-sis\, noun:

Denial of one's intention to speak of a subject that is at the same time named or insinuated, as “I shall not mention Caesar's avarice, nor his cunning, nor his morality.”

catachresis \kat-uh-KREE-sis\, noun:

Misuse or strained use of words, as in a mixed metaphor, occurring either in error or for rhetorical effect.

anacoluthon \an-uh-kuh-LOO-thon\, noun:

1. A construction involving a break in grammatical sequence, as It makes me so—I just get angry.
2. An instance of anacoluthia.

litotes \LAHY-tuh-teez\, noun:

Understatement, especially that in which an affirmative is expressed by the negative of its contrary, as in “not bad at all.”

mucro \MYOO-kroh\, noun:

A short point projecting abruptly, as at the end of a leaf.

versicolor \VUR-si-kuhl-er\, adjective:

1. Changeable in color: versicolor skies.
2. Of various colors; parti-colored: a versicolor flower arrangement.

crasis \KREY-sis\, noun:

Composition; constitution; makeup.

draggle \DRAG-uhl\, verb:

1. To soil by dragging over damp ground or in mud.
2. To trail on the ground; be or become draggled.
3. To follow slowly; straggle.

zeugma \ZOOG-muh\, noun:

The use of a word to modify or govern two or more words when it is appropriate to only one of them or is appropriate to each but in a different way, as in to wage war and peace or On his fishing trip, he caught three trout and a cold.

fulgurant \FUHL-gyer-uhnt\, adjective:

Flashing like lightning.

ombudsman \OM-buhdz-muhn\, noun:

A government official who hears and investigates complaints by private citizens against other officials or government agencies.

veloce \ve-LAW-che\, adjective:

Played at a fast tempo.

assoil \uh-SOIL\, verb:

1. To absolve; acquit; pardon.
2. To atone for.

recusant \REK-yuh-zuhnt\, noun:

1. A person who refuses to submit, comply, etc.
2. English History. A person, especially a Roman Catholic, who refused to attend the services of the Church of England.

acephalous \ey-SEF-uh-luhs\, adjective:

1. Without a leader or ruler.
2. Also, acephalic Zoology. headless; lacking a distinct head.

recusant \REK-yuh-zuhnt\, noun:

1. A person who refuses to submit, comply, etc.
2. English History. A person, especially a Roman Catholic, who refused to attend the services of the Church of England.

parturient \pahr-TOOR-ee-uhnt\, adjective:

1. Bearing or about to bear young; travailing.
2. Pertaining to parturition.
3. Bringing forth or about to produce something, as an idea.

delate \dih-LEYT\, verb:

1. Chiefly Scot. To inform against; denounce or accuse.
2. Archaic. To relate; report: to delate an offense.

uncanny \uhn-KAN-ee\, adjective:

1. Having or seeming to have a supernatural or inexplicable basis; beyond the ordinary or normal; extraordinary: uncanny accuracy; an uncanny knack of foreseeing trouble.
2. Mysterious; arousing superstitious fear or dread; uncomfortably strange: Uncanny sounds filled the house.

eidolon \ahy-DOH-luhn\, noun:

1. A phantom; apparition.
2. An ideal.

cantrip \KAHN-trip\, noun:

1. Chiefly Scot. A magic spell; trick by sorcery.
2. Chiefly British. Artful shamming meant to deceive.

teratoid \TER-uh-toid\, adjective:

Resembling a monster.

supernormal \soo-per-NAWR-muhl\, adjective:

1. In excess of the normal or average: supernormal faculties; supernormal production.
2. Lying beyond normal or natural powers of comprehension: supernormal intimations.

loup-garou \loo-ga-ROO\, noun:

A werewolf; lycanthrope.

lily-livered \LIL-ee-LIV-erd\, noun:

Weak or lacking in courage; cowardly; pusillanimous.

siesta \see-ES-tuh\, noun:

A midday or afternoon rest or nap.

splendiferous \splen-DIF-er-uhs\, adjective:

Magnificent; fine.

canonize \KAN-uh-nahyz\, verb:

1. To glorify and honor.
2. Ecclesiastical. to place in the canon of saints.
3. To consider or treat as sacrosanct or holy.

beatitude \bee-AT-i-tood\, noun:

1. Supreme blessedness; exalted happiness.
2. Any of the declarations of blessedness pronounced by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount.

climacteric \klahy-mak-TER-ik\, noun:

1. A critical period.
2. Physiology: a period of decrease of reproductive capacity in men and women, culminating, in women, in the menopause.
3. A year in which important changes in health, fortune, etc., are held by some theories to occur, as one's sixty-third year
4. The period of maximum respiration in a fruit, during which it becomes fully ripened.

For Example:

- siesta

Eg: Everyday, I always have siesta after my lunch time.

- utile

Eg: This is very utile tool for this project.

- guff

Eg: It's a guff discussion. Let prepare for the next discussion again later next day.

English Learning Online: How to Learn English with the News

English Learning Online: How to Learn English with the News

Do you read news event everyday with English websites? or English Newspaper? or any news resource in English language? YEAH, If you do so, it's great way for you to improve your vocabulary.

Learning English with News event is very very great way to learn new words or vocabulary...

One more thing, based on the video, To remember the news event, please take note with special questions tags:

Who? What? Where? When? How?...That's great tips!

Now, let watch a teacher below to describe How to Learn English with the News...

Video of How to Learn English with the News

How to Learn English with the News

English Learning Online Videos

Thursday 4 October 2012

English Learning Online: The History of English by Anglo-Saxon

English Learning Online: The History of English by Anglo-Saxon

Do you know Anglo-Saxon?

The term Anglo-Saxon is used by some historians to designate the Germanic tribes who invaded and settled the south and east of Britain beginning in the early 5th century and the period from their creation of the English nation up to the Norman conquest. The Anglo-Saxon era denotes the period of English history between about 550 and 1066. The term is also used for the language, now known as Old English, that was spoken and written by the Anglo-Saxons and their descendants in England (and part of southeastern Scotland) between at least the mid-5th century and the mid-12th century.

Let find out the history of English below:

English Learning Online: The History of English by Anglo-Saxon

English Learning Online: The History of English by Anglo-Saxon

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