Saturday, 29 May 2010

Reading: Reading-3

What’s the best way for you, as an employer, to deliver bad news to an employee? First of all, you have to break the news yourself, face to face with the recipient. You can’t write memos to tell people they will not get raises this year or that they have made an error or are not performing as well as expected. You have to show them how you feel about the matter and that you are personally sorry and sympathize with them. If you indicate that you are ready to listen to their reactions to your bad news, you will undoubtedly save yourself from their wrath. Above all, you must be ready for an emotional reaction from the recipient of bad news. Give people time to digest yours news and to control the emotion they invariably feel. Although it is never easy to break bad news, if you follow these steps, you will at least soften the blow.


- Memorandum (Pl: memos ): (n): អនុស្សរណះ កំណត់ហេតុជាចំណាំ
- Wrath (n): កំហឹងខ្លាំង
- Digest (v): រំលាយ
- Invariable (adj): ដែលមិនប្រែប្រួល


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