Monday 27 February 2012

English Learning Online: Vocabulary: Word of The Day 27 February 2012

English Learning Online: Vocabulary: Word of The Day

For this post, in Vocabulary section, I would like to share with you a latest words of the day as following...

plenum \PLEE-nuhm\, noun:

1. A full assembly, as a joint legislative assembly.
2. The state or a space in which a gas, usually air, is contained at a pressure greater than atmospheric pressure.
3. A space, usually above a ceiling or below a floor, that can serve as a receiving chamber for air that has been heated or cooled to be distributed to inhabited areas.
4. The whole of space regarded as being filled with matter (opposed to vacuum).

ad rem \ad REM\, adverb:

1. Without digressing; in a straightforward manner.

1. Relevant; pertinent.

adamantine \ad-uh-MAN-teen\, adjective:

1. Utterly unyielding or firm in attitude or opinion.
2. Too hard to cut, break, or pierce.
3. Like a diamond in luster.

bandy \BAN-dee\, verb:

1. To pass from one to another or back and forth; give and take.
2. To throw or strike to and fro or from side to side, as a ball in tennis.
3. To circulate freely.

1. (Of legs) having a bend or crook outward; bowed.

1. An early form of tennis.
2. Chiefly British. (Formerly) hockey or shinny.
3. Obsolete. A hockey or shinny stick.

hircine \HUR-sahyn\, adjective:

1. of, pertaining to, or resembling a goat.
2. Having a goatish odor.
3. Lustful; libidinous.

For Example:
- adamantine
Eg: The adamantine wood is good for building a stable house.

- bandy
Eg: We bandied the ball from player to player while we waited for the game to start.

...For examples of the other words, please you feel free to drop your comments below...thanks...

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