English Learning Online: Vocabulary: Word of The Day
For this post, in Vocabulary section, I would like to share with you a latest words of the day as following...
conciliate \kuhn-SIL-ee-eyt\, verb:
1. To overcome the distrust or hostility of; placate; win over.
2. To win or gain (goodwill, regard, or favor).
3. To make compatible; reconcile.
4. To become agreeable or reconciled.
hotchpot \HOCH-pot\, noun:
the bringing together of shares or properties in order to divide them equally.
idoneous \ahy-DOH-nee-uhs\, adjective:
Appropriate; fit; suitable; apt.
doyenne \doi-EN\, noun:
A woman who is the senior member of a group, class, or profession.
excogitate \eks-KOJ-i-teyt\, verb:
1. To think out; devise; invent.
2. To study intently and carefully in order to grasp or comprehend fully.
caprice \kuh-PREES\, noun:
1. A sudden, unpredictable change, as of one's mind or the weather.
2. A tendency to change one's mind without apparent or adequate motive; whimsicality; capriciousness.
3. Music. Capriccio.
pied \pahyd\, adjective:
1. Having patches of two or more colors, as various birds and other animals.
2. Wearing pied clothing.
filiopietistic \fil-ee-oh-pahy-i-TIS-tik\, adjective:
Pertaining to reverence of forebears or tradition, especially if carried to excess.
crib \krib\, verb:
1. To pilfer or steal, especially to plagiarize.
2. To confine in or as if in a crib.
3. To provide with a crib or cribs.
4. To line with timber or planking.
5. Informal. A. To use a crib in examinations, homework, translating, etc. B. To steal; plagiarize.
6. (Of a horse) to practice cribbing.
1. A child's bed with enclosed sides.
2. A stall or pen for cattle.
3. A rack or manger for fodder, as in a stable or barn.
4. A bin for storing grain, salt, etc.
5. Informal. A. A translation, list of correct answers, or other illicit aid used by students while reciting, taking exams, or the like; pony. B. Plagiarism. C. A petty theft.
6. A room, closet, etc., in a factory or the like, in which tools are kept and issued to workers.
7. A shallow, separate section of a bathing area, reserved for small children.
8. Any confined space.
9. Slang. A house, shop, etc., frequented by thieves or regarded by thieves as a likely place for burglarizing.
10. Building Trades, Civil Engineering. Any of various cellular frameworks of logs, squared timbers, or steel or concrete objects of similar form assembled in layers at right angles, often filled with earth and stones and used in the construction of foundations, dams, retaining walls, etc.
11. A barrier projecting part of the way into a river and then upward, acting to reduce the flow of water and as a storage place for logs being floated downstream.
12. A lining for a well or other shaft.
13. Slang. One's home; pad.
14. Cribbage. A set of cards made up by equal contributions from each player's hand, and belonging to the dealer.
15. A cheap, ill-kept brothel.
16. A wicker basket.
17. British, Australian. Lunch, especially a cold lunch carried from home to work and eaten by a laborer on the job; snack.
piacular \pahy-AK-yuh-ler\, adjective:
1. Expiatory; atoning; reparatory.
2. Requiring expiation; sinful or wicked.
screed \skreed\, noun:
1. A long discourse or essay, especially a diatribe.
2. An informal letter, account, or other piece of writing.
3. Building Trades. A. A strip of plaster or wood applied to a surface to be plastered to serve as a guide for making a true surface. B. A wooden strip serving as a guide for making a true level surface on a concrete pavement or the like. C. A board or metal strip dragged across a freshly poured concrete slab to give it its proper level.
4. British Dialect. A fragment or shred, as of cloth.
5. Scot. A. A tear or rip, especially in cloth. B. A drinking bout.
1. Scot. To tear, rip, or shred, as cloth.
auscultation \aw-skuhl-TEY-shuhn\, noun:
The act of listening to sounds within the body as a method of diagnosis.
depone \dih-POHN\, verb:
To testify under oath; depose.
exoteric \ek-suh-TER-ik\, adjective:
1. Suitable for or communicated to the general public.
2. Not belonging, limited, or pertaining to the inner or select circle, as of disciples or intimates.
3. Popular; simple; commonplace.
4. Pertaining to the outside; exterior; external.
vilipend \vil-UH-pend\, verb:
1. To regard or treat as of little value or account.
2. To vilify; depreciate.
cordate \KAWR-deyt\, adjective:
1. Heart-shaped.
2. (Of leaves) heart-shaped, with the attachment at the notched end.
mammonism \MAM-uh-niz-uhm\, noun:
The greedy pursuit of riches.
tramontane \truh-MON-teyn\, adjective:
1. Being or situated beyond the mountains.
2. Beyond the Alps as viewed from Italy; transalpine.
3. Of, pertaining to, or coming from the other side of the mountains.
4. Foreign; barbarous.
1. A person who lives beyond the mountains: formerly applied by the Italians to the peoples beyond the Alps, and by the latter to the Italians.
2. A foreigner; outlander; barbarian.
3. A violent, polar wind from the northwest that blows in southern France.
pachyderm \PAK-i-durm\, noun:
1. A person who is not sensitive to criticism, ridicule, etc.
2. Any of the thick-skinned, nonruminant ungulates, as the elephant, hippopotamus, and rhinoceros.
3. An elephant.
morceau \mawr-SOH\, noun:
1. Piece; morsel.
2. An excerpt or passage of poetry or music.
bespeak \bih-SPEEK\, verb:
1. To show; indicate.
2. To ask for in advance.
3. To reserve beforehand; engage in advance; make arrangements for.
4. Literary. To speak to; address.
5. Obsolete. To foretell; forebode.
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Wednesday, 22 February 2012
English Learning Online: Vocabulary: Word of The Day
Dictionary, English Learning, English Learning Online, Learn English, Vocabulary, Word of The Day
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