Friday, 30 March 2012

English Learning Online: Vocabulary: Word of The Day 30 March 2012

English Learning Online: Vocabulary: Word of The Day

For this post, in Vocabulary section, I would like to share with you a latest words of the day as following...

furcate \FUR-keyt\, verb:

1. To form a fork; branch.

1. Forked; branching.

esculent \ES-kyuh-luhnt\, noun:

1. Something edible, especially a vegetable.

1. Suitable for use as food; edible.

antipode \AN-ti-pohd\, noun:

A direct or exact opposite.

remit \ri-MIT\, verb:

1. To slacken or relax.
2. To transmit money, a check, etc., as in payment.
3. To abate for a time or at intervals, as a fever.
4. To refrain from exacting, as a payment or service.
5. To pardon or forgive a sin, offense, etc.

astringent \uh-STRIN-juhnt\, adjective:

1. Sharply incisive; pungent.
2. Medicine/Medical. Contracting; constrictive; styptic.
3. Harshly biting; caustic: his astringent criticism.
4. Stern or severe; austere.

1. Medicine/Medical. A substance that contracts the tissues or canals of the body, thereby diminishing discharges, as of mucus or blood.
2. A cosmetic that cleans the skin and constricts the pores.

dowager \DOU-uh-jer\, noun:

1. An elderly woman of stately dignity, especially one of elevated social position.
2. A woman who holds some title or property from her deceased husband, especially the widow of a king, duke, etc.

1. Noting, pertaining to, or characteristic of a dowager:

iniquitous \ih-NIK-wi-tuhs\, adjective:

Characterized by injustice or wickedness; wicked; sinful.

gasser \GAS-er\, noun:

1. Something that is extraordinarily pleasing or successful, especially a very funny joke.
2. A person or thing that gasses.

selcouth \SEL-kooth\, adjective:

Strange; uncommon.

brisance \bri-ZAHNS\, noun:

The shattering effect of a high explosive.

carp \kahrp\, verb:

1. To find fault or complain querulously or unreasonably.

1. A peevish complaint.

conniption \kuh-NIP-shuhn\, noun:

A fit of hysterical excitement or anger.

moschate \MOS-keyt\, adjective:

Having a musky smell.

ruck \ruhk\, noun:

1. A large number or quantity; mass.
2. The great mass of undistinguished or inferior persons or things.

adroit \uh-DROIT\, adjective:

1. Cleverly skillful, resourceful, or ingenious.
2. Expert or nimble in the use of the hands or body.

Tellurian \te-LOOR-ee-uhn\, adjective:

1. Of or characteristic of the earth or its inhabitants.

1. An inhabitant of the earth.

chelonian \ki-LOH-nee-uhn\, adjective:

1. Belonging or pertaining to the order Chelonia, comprising the turtles.

1. A turtle.

luxate \LUHK-seyt\, verb:

To put out of joint; dislocate.

eudemonia \yoo-di-MOH-nee-uh\, noun:

1. Happiness; well-being.
2. Aristotelianism. Happiness as the result of an active life governed by reason.

For Example:
- eudemonia
Eg: Learn to live with each other in a family is a key point to have eudemonia.

- ruck
Eg:My son is just 6 years old, but he can count ruck of numbers: one, two, three,...etc.

...For examples of the other words, please you feel free to drop your comments below...thanks...

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