English Learning Online: Vocabulary: Word of The Day 14 June 2012
For this post, in Vocabulary section, I would like to continue sharing with you latest words of the day as following...
fugitive \FYOO-ji-tiv\, adjective:
1. Fleeting, transitory, elusive.
2. Having taken flight, or run away.
3. Changing color as a result of exposure to light and chemical substances present in the atmosphere, in other pigments, or in the medium.
4. Dealing with subjects of passing interest, as writings; ephemeral.
5. Wandering, roving, or vagabond.
boon \boon\, noun:
1. Something to be thankful for; blessing; benefit.
2. Something that is asked; a favor sought.
pyknic \PIK-nik\, adjective:
1. Having a rounded build or body structure.
1. A person of the pyknic type.
grouse \grous\, verb:
1. To grumble; complain.
1. A complaint.
zeitgeber \TSAHYT-gey-ber\, noun:
An environmental cue, as the length of daylight, that helps to regulate the cycles of an organism's biological clock.
sylph \silf\, noun:
1. A slender, graceful woman or girl.
2. (In folklore) one of a race of supernatural beings supposed to inhabit the air.
ephebe \ih-FEEB\, noun:
A young man.
agley \uh-GLEE\, adjective:
Off the right line; awry; wrong.
tony \TOH-nee\, adjective:
High-toned; stylish.
caparison \kuh-PAR-uh-suhn\, verb:
1. To dress richly; deck.
2. To cover with a caparison.
1. A decorative covering for a horse or for the tack or harness of a horse; trappings.
2. Rich and sumptuous clothing or equipment.
cumshaw \KUHM-shaw\, noun:
A present; gratuity; tip.
apotropaic \ap-uh-truh-PEY-ik\, adjective:
Intended to ward off evil.
macaronic \mak-uh-RON-ik\, adjective:
1. Composed of a mixture of languages.
2. Composed of or characterized by Latin words mixed with vernacular words or non-Latin words given Latin endings.
3. Mixed; jumbled.
1. Macaronics, macaronic language.
2. A macaronic verse or other piece of writing.
approbate \AP-ruh-beyt\, verb:
To approve officially.
irriguous \ih-RIG-yoo-uhs\, adjective:
Well-watered, as land.
aperçu \a-per-SY\, noun:
1. A hasty glance; a glimpse.
2. An immediate estimate or judgment; understanding; insight.
3. An outline or summary.
xenophilia \zen-uh-FIL-ee-uh\, noun:
An attraction to foreign peoples, cultures, or customs.
reconnoiter \ree-kuh-NOI-ter\, verb:
1. To make an inspection or observation.
2. To inspect, observe, or survey (the enemy, the enemy's strength or position, a region, etc.) in order to gain information for military purposes.
3. To examine or survey a region or area for engineering, geological, or other purposes.
bona fides \BOH-nah FEE-des\, noun:
1. Good faith; the state of being exactly as claims or appearances indicate.
2. (Sometimes italics) (used with a plural verb) the official papers, documents, or other items that prove authenticity, legitimacy, etc., as of a person or enterprise; credentials.
agnomen \ag-NOH-muhn\, noun:
1. A nickname.
2. An additional, fourth name given to a person by the ancient Romans in allusion to some achievement or other circumstance, as “Africanus” in “Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus.”
hsien \shyuhn\, noun:
1. One of a group of benevolent spirits promoting good in the world.
2. In China, a county or district.
obtuse \uhb-TOOS\, adjective:
1. Not quick or alert in perception, feeling, or intellect.
2. Not sharp, acute, or pointed; blunt in form.
3. (Of a leaf, petal, etc.) rounded at the extremity.
4. Indistinctly felt or perceived, as pain or sound.
germinal \JUR-muh-nl\, adjective:
1. Being in the earliest stage of development.
2. Of or pertaining to a germ or germs.
3. Of the nature of a germ or germ cell.
fard \fahrd\, verb:
1. To apply cosmetics.
1. Facial cosmetics.
barnburner \BAHRN-bur-ner\, noun:
1. Something that is highly exciting or impressive.
2. Chiefly Pennsylvania. A wooden friction match.
3. (Initial capital letter) A member of the progressive faction in the Democratic party in New York State 1845–52.
nosh \nosh\, verb:
1. To snack or eat between meals.
2. To snack on.
1. A snack.
adenoidal \ad-n-OID-l\, adjective:
1. Being characteristically pinched and nasal in tone quality.
2. Of or pertaining to the adenoids; adenoid.
3. Having the adenoids enlarged, especially to a degree that interferes with normal breathing.
littoral \LIT-er-uhl\, adjective:
1. Pertaining to the shore of a lake, sea, or ocean.
2. (On ocean shores) of or pertaining to the biogeographic region between the sublittoral zone and the high-water line and sometimes including the supralittoral zone above the high-water line.
3. Of or pertaining to the region of freshwater lake beds from the sublittoral zone up to and including damp areas on shore.
1. A littoral region.
ensconce \en-SKONS\, verb:
1. To settle securely or snugly.
2. To cover or shelter; hide securely.
aphotic \ey-FOH-tik\, adjective:
Lightless; dark.
ort \awrt\, noun:
A scrap or morsel of food left at a meal.
kowtow \KOU-TOU\, verb:
1. To act in an obsequious manner; show servile deference.
2. To touch the forehead to the ground while kneeling, as an act of worship, reverence, apology, etc., especially in former Chinese custom.
1. The act of kowtowing.
numen \NOO-min\, noun:
Divine power, especially one who inhabits a particular object.
fulcrum \FOOL-kruhm\, noun:
1. The support, or point of rest, on which a lever turns.
2. Any prop or support.
3. Zoology. Any of various structures in an animal serving as a hinge or support.
1. To fit with a fulcrum; put a fulcrum on.
besot \bih-SOT\, verb:
1. To infatuate; obsess.
2. To intoxicate or stupefy with drink.
3. To make stupid or foolish: a mind besotted with fear and superstition.
mensch \mench\, noun:
A decent, upright, mature, and responsible person.
sudorific \soo-duh-RIF-ik\, adjective:
1. Causing sweat.
2. Sudoriparous.
1. A sudorific agent.
pother \POTH-er\, noun:
1. A heated discussion, debate, or argument; fuss; to-do.
2. Commotion; uproar.
3. A choking or suffocating cloud, as of smoke or dust.
1. To worry; bother.
cicatrix \SIK-uh-triks\, noun:
1. New tissue that forms over a wound.
2. Botany. A scar left by a fallen leaf, seed, etc.
obtest \ob-TEST\, verb:
1. To supplicate earnestly; beseech.
2. To invoke as witness.
3. To protest.
4. To make supplication; beseech.
prorogue \proh-ROHG\, verb:
1. To defer; postpone.
2. To discontinue a session of (the British Parliament or a similar body).
sibilant \SIB-uh-luhnt\, adjective:
1. Hissing.
2. Phonetics. Characterized by a hissing sound; noting sounds like those spelled with s in this.
1. Phonetics. A sibilant consonant.
matrilineal \ma-truh-LIN-ee-uhl\, adjective:
Inheriting or determining descent through the female line.
intromit \in-truh-MIT\, verb:
To introduce; to send, put, or let in.
altiloquent \awl-TIL-uh-kwuhnt\, noun:
High-flown or pretentious language.
spruik \sprook\, verb:
To make or give a speech, especially extensively; spiel.
pip \pip\, verb:
1. To peep or chirp.
2. (Of a young bird) to break out from the shell.
3. To crack or chip a hole through (the shell), as a young bird.
omphalos \OM-fuh-luhs\, noun:
1. The central point.
2. The navel; umbilicus.
3. Greek Antiquity. A stone in the temple of Apollo at Delphi, thought to mark the center of the earth.
gambit \GAM-bit\, noun:
1. A remark made to open or redirect a conversation.
2. Chess. An opening in which a player seeks to obtain some advantage by sacrificing a pawn or piece.
3. Any maneuver by which one seeks to gain an advantage.
phatic \FAT-ik\, adjective:
Denoting speech used to create an atmosphere of goodwill.
belabor \bih-LEY-ber\, verb:
1. To explain, worry about, or work more than is necessary.
2. To assail persistently, as with scorn or ridicule.
3. To beat vigorously; ply with heavy blows.
4. Obsolete. To labor at.
cumulus \KYOO-myuh-luhs\, noun:
1. A heap; pile.
2. A cloud of a class characterized by dense individual elements in the form of puffs, mounds, or towers, with flat bases and tops that often resemble cauliflower.
chrestomathy \kres-TOM-uh-thee\, noun:
A collection of selected literary passages.
demiurge \DEM-ee-urj\, noun:
1. Philosophy. A. Platonism. The artificer of the world. B. (In the Gnostic and certain other systems) a supernatural being imagined as creating or fashioning the world in subordination to the Supreme Being, and sometimes regarded as the originator of evil.
2. (In many states of ancient Greece) a public official or magistrate.
ingeminate \in-JEM-uh-neyt\, verb:
To repeat; reiterate.
betide \bih-TAHYD\, verb:
1. To happen to; come to; befall.
2. To happen; come to pass.
skirr \skur\, verb:
1. To go rapidly; fly; scurry.
2. To go rapidly over.
1. A grating or whirring sound.
varlet \VAHR-lit\, noun:
1. A knavish person; rascal.
2. A. An attendant or servant. B. A page who serves a knight.
haimish \HEY-mish\, adjective:
Homey; cozy and unpretentious.
bosh \bosh\, noun:
Absurd or foolish talk; nonsense.
armamentarium \ahr-muh-muhn-TAIR-ee-uhm\, noun:
1. A fruitful source of devices or materials available or used for an undertaking.
2. The aggregate of equipment, methods, and techniques available to one for carrying out one's duties.
histrionics \his-tree-ON-iks\, noun:
1. Behavior or speech for effect, as insincere or exaggerated expression of an emotion.
2. Dramatic representation; theatricals; acting.
levigate \LEV-i-geyt\, verb:
1. To rub, grind, or reduce to a fine powder.
2. Chemistry. To make a homogeneous mixture of, as gels.
1. Botany. Having a smooth, glossy surface; glabrous.
apoplectic \ap-uh-plek-tik\, adjective:
1. Intense enough to threaten or cause a stroke.
2. Of or pertaining to apoplexy.
3. Having or inclined to apoplexy.
1. A person having or predisposed to apoplexy.
larrup \LAR-uhp\, verb:
To beat or thrash.
natch \nach\, adverb:
Of course; naturally.
divulse \dahy-VUHLS\, verb:
To tear away or apart.
pochismo \poh-CHEEZ-moh\, noun:
1. An English word or expression borrowed into Spanish.
2. A form of speech employing many such words.
3. An adopted U.S. custom, attitude, etc.
mignon \min-YON\, adjective:
Small and pretty; delicately pretty.
ravelment \RAV-uhl-muhnt\, noun:
Entanglement; confusion.
fantast \FAN-tast\, noun:
A visionary or dreamer.
mewl \myool\, verb:
To cry, as a baby, young child, or the like; whimper.
For Example:
- mewl
Eg: He is 40 years old, but when his dog goes away, he mewls like a baby.
Thursday, 14 June 2012
English Learning Online: Vocabulary: Word of The Day 14 June 2012
Dictionary, English Learning, English Learning Online, Learn English, Vocabulary, Word of The Day
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